Easy to start

One of the fastest and easiest ways to learn template is to install sample data and start playing with it. JSN Dona provides unique mechanism of installing sample data directly on your current website. Just few steps and the demo website is here.
More about easy start
Painless Configuration

All JoomlaShine templates can be effortlessly configured by template parameters. In template setting page, you will find 40+ template parameters arranged into logical groups for convenient operation. All parameters are equipped with description text for easier understanding.
More about configuration
Flexible layout

JSN Dona provides 36+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. Module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. You can specify width of both overall layout and specific columns conveniently via template parameters.
More about layout
Multiple Color Variations

JSN Dona provides 6 major colors variation for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background, but also color of drop-down menu, links, table's header and some others.
More about color variations
Versatile Menu Styles

JSN Dona provides 5 menu styles to present your website navigation. The default Joomla! built-in menu module is utilized, so you don't need to install any external menu modules.
More about menu styles
Comprehensive Typography

JSN Dona was developed with extreme focus on typography and we believe it provides the most comprehensive content presentation capability. Headings, text, links, tables, images, everything was designed with high level of refinement.
More about typography
Excellent Mobile Support

All JoomlaShine.com templates have special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.
Unlike other template providers, we do not develop something that looks like a mobile app with heavy menu and animation. We built compact and lightweight version of the template preserving the whole original look-and-feel.
More about mobile support
Native RTL Support

All JoomlaShine templates are equipped with native RTL layout support. We spent huge amount of time tweaking every tiny details of the template to make it look absolutely awesome in RTL mode. Everything is horizontally-flipped including dropdown main menu and side menu.
More about RTL support
Social Icons

In JSN Dona, you are free to integrate your social channels without digging into the code. You can also change positions of social icons by dragging and dropping them. There are 12 icons that cover most of major social media services and application
More about Social icons
Cool Image Gallery
The image gallery you see on this website is another cool product JSN ImageShow from JoomlaShine.com. With flash technology applied, you get smooth experience and consistent performance in all browsers.
For mobile device, we have built special lightweight Javascript version, so you can be absolutely sure about images presentation.
More about image gallery
Manage Joomla easily

When you install sample data template, you will have one more powerful extension to manage your Joomla site: JSN PowerAdmin. It provides spotlight search, giving results as you type. When you find the desired item, just click it to open the edit page.
JSN PowerAdmin allows you to have full control under your Joomla website in single screen. You can manipulate elements by using convenient GUI with drag-n-drop operations
More about JSN PowerAdmin
Great Docs & Support
JSN Dona is equipped with comprehensive documentation package that will help you with template utilization.
PDF document
2 documents:
Configuration Manual &
Customization Manual give you detailed description of every template features as well as easy-to-understand instruction how to customize template elements.
Download document
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support forum we provide support for everyone who bought the
PRO Edition of our products. Here you will get support from our support team as well as thousands of active members.
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