Occurrence in Děčín | Grows in many parks. The largest beech ever grows in the forest park at Kvádrberk (476cm trunk), a short distance from the waterworks above the path along the arboretum. Some of the neighboring beeches have remarkable systems of surface root "ramps". The largest beech on Pastýřská stěna is a specimen standing near the “Nebíčko” restaurant, which has a trunk circumference of 465cm. The tree where you stand is one of the largest beeches in Decin (has a 405cm perimeter) was chosen for a beautiful and regular crown. Remarkable is the shrubby beech, Fagus sylvatica ´Asplenifolia´, which you know from the courtyard of the Děčín Chateau (according to the last measurement it has a circumference of 380cm). Other, lesser-known individuals of the same type grow in the garden of the villa on Lodní Street, and also on the hospital grounds. Beautiful red-leaved beech trees (F.s. ´Purpurea Latifolia´) grow in Kvádrberk Arboretum, pink-beech beech (F.s. ´Roseomarginata´), Wolkerova Street and Libverda BZ where we can also see beautiful overhanging beech trees (Fend.´Pendula´). White-beech beech (F.s.´Albovariegata´) can be found in the primary school arboretum in Školní Street in Želenice. |
Application |
In the orchard has a versatile use, planted in larger parks as a solitaire even in smaller groups, or in combination with other woods. Can withstand a good cut so it can be used on hedges. Valuable are its leaf deviations in color and shear, or shape (columnar, overhanging).
Habitat |
Grows from the foothills to the mountain ranges up to 1250 meters above sea level. Previously, it was one of the most important forest communities of light fir beechwoods with an interesting herbal flora. It requires damper air, loose, humous, nutrient-rich soil with plenty of lime. He does not like drying sands and peat and waterlogged soils. It is frost resistant except for late, well tolerates exhalates. At higher altitudes, it creates slow-growing specimens of the dwarf nature: Bouřňák and Mědník in the Ore Mountains, Radhošť, etc.
Location | Almost all of Europe. |
Fruits |
Triangular achenes sit in a spiny waitress holding a tree for one more year after looking beech. |
Blossom | Blooms inconspicuously in April, flowers are reddish brown. |
Leaves | Ovate to elliptic, 5-10cm long, acute, orbiculate, margins curled to slightly lobate, obtuse dentate, petiole 3-10mm long. Autumn color golden yellow to orange copper. Leaves of young trees persist until spring. |
Branches |
Young, thin, wavy, early whitish or brownish tomentose, dark olive green, older gray-brown or reddish-brown, and glabrous, with whitish lenticelai. |
Rind | Bark is smooth, silvery gray, dark and chapped in old specimens. |
Treetop |
25-30m tall tree, crown conical to broadly conical. Branches strong, slanting. Old specimens may have trunks up to 1m thick, exceptionally up to 2m. |
Note |
Our strongest beech in Čachotín (okr. Havlíčkův Brod), has trunk perimeter 710cm (ø 20,26m), in Italy grows the largest European specimen (perimeter 870cm).