Occurrence in Děčín |
Unfortunately, we will not see the largest and most beautiful original specimen; It grew once over the Theresian Pond in Bela, and it was burned down by children in the 1960s. The primate is today occupied by a massive oak in Hluboká Street in Nové Město (near the gardening colony) - the trunk in the perimeter measures 596cm, the height is 21m. Several other individuals compete for our favor: oak in Mariánské louka (494cm), in the park above the industrial school in Letná (470cm perimeter), in Dolní Chlum (429cm), in the Kvádrberk in Arboretum (Schiller's Oak, 347cm) ), in the courtyard of SZaŠ in Libverda, three oaks in the area of Kovo Děčín spol. s.r.o. on Ustecka street. A remarkable specimen grew in the brewery premises, was defeated in connection with the construction of a gigantic roundabout at the brewery… The tree you stand by is not the largest of its kind on Pastýřská stěna, but it is definitely interesting for its location. It has a trunk circumference of 240cm and a height of 25m. |
Application |
In landscaping it is very valuable and widespread, especially in landscape and large urban parks it forms the basis of tree stands. It has a versatile use, can be planted in groups as well as solely, in alleys, but also for strengthening pond dams. It has many cultivars: from the shape deviations, the most famous are the columnar forms of Quercus robur ´Fastigiata´, in Děčín on Husovo Square (50450 and 410cm) and in Mariánské louka (510 510cm), and Q.r. ´Cupressina´ Mariánská louka (320cm) and at the church of st. Wenceslas.
Habitat |
Grows in wet alluvial forests or even as steppe ecotype in shallow, dry soils. It needs plenty of light, deep, loamy to loamy-clay soil, suits its moist soil, can withstand temporary flooding. From lowlands it reaches up to the hills and foothills, in favorable conditions it grows up to 650 meters above sea level. It is resistant to frost, well tolerates exhalates.
Location | Europe, Caucasus, extends to East Asia and North Africa. |
Wood |
Suitable for both water and ground construction, used for shipbuilding, cabinetmaking, parquet, barrels, etc. The bark is used to produce groin for the leather industry. |
Fruits |
2-3.5cm long, ovate-oblong, sitting from 1/3 to ½ in the goblet, after 1-5ti on the stem 5-12 cm long. |
Blossom |
Blooms in May when the leaves sprout, male flowers in long yellowish lambs on last year's twigs, female individually or after several years on the shoots. |
Leaves | Very variable, 10-15cm long, basic shape obovate, irregularly lobed, 3-6 broad, rounded lobes on each side, mostly cordate on base. Dark green and glossy above, light blue-green beneath, glabrous, petiole 4-8cm long. |
Branches | Young annuals glabrous. |
Rind | The bark is thick, initially dark gray, dull shiny, later dark gray-brown, deeply furrowed. |
Treetop |
30-40 (-50) m tall tree, with wide irregular crown and strong branches. Solitary trees tend to have a low set crown without a continuous trunk. The tribe can reach an average of 4m in exceptional individuals, the largest tree is reported from France (5.5m). |
Note |
The largest trees in our country reach the trunk perimeter up to 1000cm (eg Namest nad Oslavou), ie over 3m in diameter. Oaks are often associated with a reputation tied to a person: The Oak of Sts. Wenceslas in Stochov and the Holy Mountain in Pribram, Oldrich's oak at Peruci, Duby Karla IV. (Koloděje u Prahy, Vonoklasy), Žižkov's oaks (eg Lichnice, Myšlín, Osek, Říčany, Újezd nad Mží, Želiv - there were a total of 40), Goethe's Oak can be found in ZP Krásný dvůr near Podbořany but not far from it grow 4 massive oaks, another German poet - Körner - are devoted to oaks in Dalovice at K.Varů and Pilsen Zoo; “Kouřimecký” oak reminds Uncle Proška of the Golden Eels of Ota Pavel. Our native Tyrš (Předslav u Klatov) or Emma Destinová (near the New River, near Stříbro, where she used to fish) also have their oak. The largest summer oaks can be found north and west of our borders: in Sweden, a tree with a circumference of 1510cm, ie almost 5m in diameter, grows. Great oaks can be seen in Denmark (1396cm), England, France and Germany. Close to the royal residence in Windsor, there is an amazing growth of tens of specimens of giants of 2-4m diameter. |