Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

Occurrence in Děčín

Grows in many parks. A typical example of the use of hedges is the park in Wolker Street, where in the 1960s the hornbeam fence grew almost all around the park, and the entrances were hornbeam gates. Beautiful specimens can be found in the Arboretum in Kvádrberk, in the aforementioned Wolkerova Street, but the largest hornbeams can be seen in the forest park above the Industrial Park in Letná (trunk circumference up to 260cm). After all, an interesting location is the nearby grove at the end of Slovanská Street, where almost exclusively hornbeams grow. They are planted in rows, and originally apparently formed hedges. After their cutting was abandoned, the hornbeams grew and formed bizarre tribes. Local children have named the location many years ago as "Magic Forest". Interesting individuals can be found in the Bažantnice Forest Park and, of course, here on Pastýřská stěna.

Application used in groups and separately. Due to the fact that it is well tolerated cut in the Renaissance, but especially in the baroque used for hedges and walls. The most frequently used solitaires are its cultivars, especially cv. ´Pendula´. Hornbeam trunks are often very bizarre shapes, especially old specimens of former hedges that have ceased to be maintained.

in our country it grows mostly in lower altitudes, on hills and foothills. It is most commonly found in oak-hornbeam or beech-hornbeam communities, sometimes in continuous stands - hornbeams. It thrives on damper loamy to medium-heavy soils; it can withstand drier habitats and lighter soils. It is frost resistant.  

Location Europe, Caucasus, extends to Asia Minor
Fruits achenes with 3-lobed ailerons, side lobes shorter, often serrated; achenes broadly ovate, ribbed. It consists of 7-14cm long fruit.
Blossom single-sex, male are catkins on last year's shoots, female upright on shoots.
Leaves Elliptic to ovate, 5-10cm long, lumpy, cordate, irregularly double serrate, dark green above, initially silky hirsute, lighter underneath, hairy petiole, petiole 0.6-1.3cm long on veins. Autumn color golden yellow. Leaves of young trees persist until spring.
Branches young, thin, slightly wavy, green, hairy, older olive green to reddish-brown, and glabrous with numerous lenticelami. On the cross-section rounded five angular.   

bark at first rough, and gray-black, later smooth, gray, longitudinally grooved.

Treetop Up to 25m tall tree, crown at first conical, later widely spread. Old specimens may be up to 1m thick, but they are often multi-stemmed with weaker trunks.   
Note Our most interesting hornbeam grows in the middle of Libáňská pheasantry in Jičín region. It is a polycormon, a cluster of several strains, the circumference of which is 130cm above the ground and is 567cm high, 24m high. Its age is estimated at 400 years (it will probably be exaggerated). Probably a tree that used to be part of a hedge and grew out of a tree stump after it was abolished. It has an interesting reputation. Probably the most beautiful specimen of the overhanging form of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus Pendula´) grows in the city park in Česká Lípa. It stands next to the Art Nouveau music pavilion of 1882 and has a trunk diameter of nearly 1m. As already mentioned, hornbeam is used to create hedges, also popular for planting mazes (labyrinths), for example in the Flower Garden in Kromeriz. A remarkable maze is part of the J.A.Komenský Memorial near Brandýs n.O., which is inspired by his publication "Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart".